03 443 7271 | 25a Russell street,

Lisa has always been fascinated by movement and is passionate about helping women and men maintain and pursue health, fitness, and continence throughout all stages of their lives.  Lisa has more than 15 years’ experience treating people with a wide range of conditions, both locally and internationally.  She completed her post graduate studies in pelvic floor rehabilitation and continence and continues on her mission to improve care and remove stigmas.  Lisa achieves great satisfaction from making a life-changing difference in people’s lives by optimising their pelvic health and seeing clients reaching their personal and fitness goals.

Podcast Topics:

  • What made Lisa want to become a pelvic floor physio
  • What a pelvic floor is and why is it important
  • Why its not just mums who need to be aware of pelvic floor care
  • Tell-tale signs that you are having pelvic floor issues and need to see a professional
  • Self checks at home
  • Seeing a pelvic floor physio after birth
  • What you can do during pregnancy and post-partum to help with pelvic floor health
  • Are kegels the only way?
  • Incontinence and recovering fully post-pregnancy
  • When to reintroduce high intensity exercise post-partum, and the dangers if we introduce too early
  • Poop and your pelvic floor
  • The deal with an overactive pelvic floor
  • A“strong” pelvic floor for better sex + DIY strategies
  • Lisa’s thoughts on “50 shades of grey kegel ball sets” and Yoni eggs
  • Chatting to our kids about pelvic floor health
  • Lisa’s current projects and where to learn more


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